捐助我們 - Support Us

捐款方法 - Donation Method


2. PayMe 捐款 

捐款者請前往https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/DPvQTvSJXX2qeWSXo2RuS5 或用 Payme 掃瞄 QR 圖碼,並於付款訊息提供 閣下的姓名、電話和地址。

Please Click https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/DPvQTvSJXX2qeWSXo2RuS5  or scan QR code to make a donation

 如欲了解更多PayMe 捐款步驟, 請按此。



Please prepare crossed cheque made payable to "Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd."   

Direct Transfer
You can make donation through direct deposit at the following bank accounts of " Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd".
- HSBC : 191-896588-838     


5.  每月捐款 Monthly Donation
你的每月捐助,能為香港輪椅輔助隊提供了穩定和可靠的收入,更能維持免費輔助器具借用服務,惠及全港市民,每月捐款可簡化行政手續 - 讓我們善用一分一毫幫助更多有需要的朋友。《請下載捐款表格》
Monthly giving provides a steady and cost-effective source of income to HKWAS. And because your monthly donation is processed automatically, you help us simplify administrative procedures - which allows us to maintain  free leasing service and help more people with disabilities.  Click here for details.
特別通知: 以往7-ELEVEN 便利店電腦條碼捐款方法,已於2017年9月1日起停用。請利用以上其他方法捐款,不便之處,敬請原諒。
電話    : (+852)2194 9666
傳真    : (+852)2386 6899
電郵    : [email protected]