捐助我們 - Support Us

捐款表格 - Donation Form

捐款表格 (*必須填寫項目)


  • *類別 Type
  • *稱呼 Title
  • *捐款方法 Donation Method
  • *捐款金額 Donation Amount
  • *捐款途徑 Donate By
  • 請上載捐款入數記錄,以核對資料
    Please upload the pay-in slip


  1. 捐款$100或以上可憑收據申請扣稅。
  2. 為方便核實資料,請將劃線支票或入數紙正本郵寄至九龍深水埗南昌村昌謙樓地下1-3號「香港輪椅輔助隊會計部」收
  3. 查詢:2194 9666 (會計部門) 電郵 [email protected]
  4. 本會職員收到表格後會以電話通知捐助人。若在交表後一星期仍未收到通知,請主動與本會職員聯絡。


  1. Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible with a receipt.
  2. Please sent this Rely Form with deposit slip / crossed cheque to “Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service A/C department”Unit 1-3, G/F., Cheong Him Hse., Nam Cheong Est., ShamShuiPo, Kln., H.K.”
  3. Enquiries: 2194 9666 (A/C Department) Email [email protected]
  4. We will get back to you within five working days upon receipt of your form. If you do not hear from us, please contact us on 2194 9666.