服務概覽 - Services
維修輪椅 - Repair Service
上門維修 – 輔助器材損壞不但影響日常生活不便,更可能令到自己或照顧者因而受傷。為避免這種孤立的情況,我們特別提供上門維修服務,協助外出困難的輪椅使用者,解決輪椅及其他輔助工具損壞的問題。
到本會中心維修 –由於上門維修服務輪候需時,本會另有預約到中心維修服務,閣下可預約自行將輪椅送到本會中心維修工場進行維修。
如有查詢可致電本會2194 9666 或 WHATSAPP 93266706 查詢 。
以下是本會WHATSAPP 93266706 QR CODE
On-site wheelchair repairing
Inconvenience would be caused if the assistant equipment is damaged. Therefore, so as to avoid this kind of problem, the Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service provides door-to-door service for the wheelchair users who have difficulties to go outside with a cheap price.
If you are interested in this service, please call the Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service on 21949666 for registration and booking.