關於本會 - About Us
發展 - Milestones
香港輪椅輔助隊 - 發展里程碑
2022 | |
香港輪椅輔助隊成立二十五週年。 獲賽馬會慈善信託基金支持,從日本引進輪椅清洗消毒機械設備。
2021 | |
2019 | |
獲賽馬會慈善信託基金支持,推行「賽馬會耆義樂輪計劃」,培訓銀齡義工,支援獨居/雙老長者, 基金亦捐助裝修培訓中心支援訓練工作。
2017 | |
The 20th anniversary of the Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service. |
2014 | |
加強與不同機構合作積極培訓義工團隊, 支援長者中心維修服務。
2012 | |
2011 | |
開展全港獨有服務「流動輪椅服務站」,定期定點停泊全港不同地區,為附近居民提供一站式輪椅支援服務。 | The “Mobile Wheelchair Depot” was set up. It travels to different districts regularly to serve the Hong Kong residents living around. |
2007 | |
We launched a community promotion. After a series of school seminars and public activities, we have successfully to raise the public awareness of the difficulties and inconveniences of a wheelchair user and educate the general public to respect and accept our disabled citizen be a part of our society. |
2006 |
組成輪椅維修義工訓隊,為居於院舍的長者定期檢查輪椅。 註冊為香港輪椅輔助隊有限公司,轉為以有限公司形式運作。同年成為社會服務聯會機構會員。 |
We registered Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Limited and continued our services as a limited company. In the same year, we had established the wheelchair inspection team formed of a group of volunteers to perform regular inspection for wheelchairs users who is living in the elderly home. |
2005 |
成為公益金會員機構。開展電動輪椅及多功能輪椅租用服務。 | We have been a member of The Community Chest. This year, we started our powered wheelchair and multi-purpose wheelchair rental services. |
2003 | |
開展輪椅相關課程講座,為義工、殘疾人士及其家人提供有關輪椅使用、保養及維修知識。 | We started to provide training courses for our volunteers, wheelchair users and their family members. From our courses, they have learnt intensive knowledge in using, maintaining and repairing wheelchairs. |
2001 | |
租用南昌村會址,開始提供免費輪椅及輔助工具短期借用服務,為行動不便人士提供支援,同時轉讓二手輪椅及輔助工具,讓經濟困難人士可以廉宜的價錢購買合適復康用品。 | We had started our service center located in Nam Cheong Est. We have launched the free service of short term leasing wheelchair for people who urgently needed; at the same time, we sell 70% new second hand wheelchairs and accessories with minimum markup for low-incomers and pensioners. |
1997 | |
本會成立。 | Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service was established. |