私隱政策 - Privacy Policy Statement
- 香港輪椅輔助隊所收集之個人資料,在法律許可下,將用於服務申請、通訊、籌募、活動、義工招募、收集意見及推廣(包括直接促銷)、以及數據統計、分析等用途。此等資料亦可能以合約形式外判至其他機構處理。
- 有關資料除用作以上所述用途外,本會絕不會向外披露任何個人資料。同時亦不會以任何形式出售、租借或轉讓予任何人士或機構。當個人資料用於統計及分析方面,將不會泄露個別人士的資料。
- 閣下提供的個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡方法及其他有關 閣下的資料如 閣下使用本會服務的記錄、家庭狀況、經濟狀況、身體狀況等)作為本會統計及分析之用。
- 本會將透過信件、電子郵件和流動電話等通知 閣下本會的最新資訊及推廣訊息,如服務內容資訊、講座及活動、折扣優惠及籌款活動等。
- 閣下可隨時以書面或電郵方式向本會申明是否願意繼續接收有關資訊。
- 向本會提供個人資料純屬自願,如你未能提供足夠個人資料,本會可能無法有效處理你的申請或提供有關服務。
按香港個人資料(私隱)條例規定,個人有權要求查閱和改正其個人資料。倘若 閣下希望查閱或改正收錄於本會的個人資料,請以書面或電郵方式向本會查詢或提出有關要求。
聯絡方法 Contact:
郵寄地址Address: 九龍深水埗南昌邨昌謙樓地下1-3號香港輪椅輔助隊
電郵地址Email: privacy@hkwheelchair.org.hk
※ 免責條款
Privacy Policy Statement
Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd. respects personal data and is committed to full implementation and compliance with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. In doing so, we will ensure that staff involved in handling personal data comply with appropriate standards of security and confidentiality.
Use of your Personal Data
- The personal data we collect will be used for processing applications for registration, research,
statistical purposes, marketing (including direct marketing) Your data will solely be handled by HKWAS staff but may be transferred to and used by other companies under contractual activities with HKWAS for the above mentioned purposes. - The personal data being collected via the present means, other than being utilized as the purposes above mentioned, will not be sold, traded or rented in any forms through any means to any other parties. However, data may also be used in aggregate form for research and statistical purposes and in such circumstances individual data will not be divulged.
- The personal data that you supply (including, without limitation to, your name, contact details and other information collected in your profile such as the service(s) you used, your family background, Financial Background etc.) may be used for research and statistical purposes .
- Communication and the promotion on the programmes and courses, seminars and events, discounts and offers, other services privileges, networking opportunities and fund-raising initiatives through various communication channels such as direct-mail, email and mobile phone.
- You always have the right to make subsequent changes on your choice of receiving further marketing materials by sending a written unsubscribe request to the HKWAS Office.
- To provide personal data to the HKWAS is on voluntary basis. However, if you do not provide sufficient personal data, we may not be able to process your application or provide service to you.
Right of Access And Correction
Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, individuals have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data. Should you wish to access or correct your personal information held by us, please send your enquiry or request to the HKWAS Office by post or by email.
Changes To This Statement
The HKWAS Privacy Policy Statement may be updated from time to time so please check this statement periodically from HKWAS Website.
The information provided by the Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd. ("HKWAS") on this website is for general and indicative purpose only. While HKWAS has endeavored to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information to the public at this website but no guarantee is provided in this regard. In the premise, HKWAS will NOT be liable for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations concerning, (whether express or implied), any such information, and will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss, damage or injury (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of the information delivered on this website.
To facilitate access by users to information provided by or via other parties, this website may provide or assist in providing links to external websites through its pages. Provision of, or assistance in providing, these links gives rise to no statement, representation or warranty, express or implied, that HKWAS agrees or does not disagree with the contents of any such external sites and HKWAS will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss, damage or injury (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of the contents of any such external websites delivered on or via this website.
By using this website, you agree to accept unconditionally the terms of this Disclaimer and as they may be revised and/or amended from time to time by HKWAS without prior notice to you. Please check this page regularly for any revisions and/or amendments which may be made.
This Disclaimer has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.