捐助我們 - Support Us 捐款方法 Donation Method 捐款表格 Donation Form 企業支持 Corporate Support 項目贊助 Project Sponsor 捐款箱 Donation Box 嗚謝 Acknowledgement of Support 其他支持 Other Support 其他支持 - Other Support 服務查詢表 (*必須填寫項目) *類別 Type 個人 Personal 團體 Group *稱呼 Title 先生 Mr. 小姐 Miss 太太 Mrs 女士 Ms. *名稱 Name * 聯絡電話 Contact No. *地址 Postal address *電郵 E-mail 傳真 Fax 本人希望接收活動資訊 I wish to receive news. *捐款方法 Donation Method 一次捐款 One-off Donation 每月捐款 Monthly Donation 您可登記,定期捐款予香港輪椅輔助隊,令更多有需要的人得到幫助。You can give a helping hand to people in need by making monthly donation to Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd. *捐款金額 Donation Amount 港幣HK$200 港幣HK$500 港幣HK$1,000 港幣HK$1,500 港幣HK$2,000 其他 港幣$ *捐款途徑 Donate By 1. 網上即時捐款 Online donation 2. 支票 By Cheque 請備劃線支票,並於抬頭寫上「香港輪椅輔助隊有限公司」。 Please prepare crossed cheque made payable to "Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd." 3. 現金 By Cash / Direct Transfer 4. 七‧十一便利店 7-Eleven outlets 您可攜同以下捐款條碼到全港七‧十一便利店捐款予本會〈最低捐款額為港幣一百元正〉 《請下載捐款條碼》 Please bring the Charity Barcode to any 7-Eleven Stores in HK and make cash donation The nimum donation amount is HK$100 per transaction. Click here for details. *驗證碼 Verification Code Reload 備註: 捐款$100或以上可憑收據申請扣稅。 收據抬頭請寫上: 為方便核實資料,請將劃線支票或入數紙正本郵寄至九龍深水埗南昌村昌謙 樓地下1-3號「香港輪椅輔助隊會計部」收。 查詢:2194 9666 (會計部) Remarks: onation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible with a receipt. Receipt made receivable by : Please sent this Reply Form by fax to 2386 6899 by post to "Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service A/C department "Unit 1-3, G/F., Cheong Him Hse., Nam Cheong Est., ShamShuiPo, Kln., H.K." Enquiries: 2194 9666 (A/C Department)